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  • Sonic Superstars Original Soundtrack Finally Releases on Streaming Platforms

    Sounds of the Sky Temple.

    Well it's about time! SEGA has finally published the Original Soundtrack to Sonic Superstars on Spotify, Apple Music and presumably a number of other music streaming services.


    News of the OST's inclusion to streaming platforms came via musician Tee Lopes, who had a hand in a number of the tracks from the game. Besides that, it seems that the launch has gone without much of a peep from SEGA or the Sonic brand channels, which is a shame because it's quite a good bop.

    Sonic Superstars hit store shelves back in October 2023, and fans have been waiting patiently for months for the soundtrack to come out. In comparison, the OST for Sonic Frontiers launched a mere month after that game's initial release. We're not quite sure what the hold up was this time around, but it makes for a good birthday present for Sonic, right?

    You can listen to a preview of the Spotify version of the album in the embed above, or you can click this link to hit the soundtrack album page on Spotify (or here for Apple Music).

    Time to share your favourite track from the game! Speed Jungle? Pinball Carnival? Frozen Base? What? Let us know in the comments section below!

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    Took them all this time and it feels rushed.

    • All of the menu themes are just called Jingle 1 through 4, except Battle Mode Menu
    • Boss Battle 4 is the first half of the music used in the cutscene where Trip rebels again Fang. It's not used in any boss fights.
    • The other half of said cutscene music (where Trip makes friends with everyone) seems to be missing entirely.
    • Actually, all of the in-engine cutscene music is missing, except for the aforementioned mislabelled track.
    • The cover art is literally just the game's boxart...
    • No unique title for the album. It's literally just "Sonic Superstars Soundtrack". Certainly doesn't feel like any live went into this. 

    As pointed out by a few other people in different discussions, the way that this has all been cobbled together makes you think about the production of the game. Was Boss Battle 4 actually intended to be used for a boss theme at some point? Tee Lopes and Rintaro Soma also reworked some of Senoue's for the final game. A beta, Tee-less version Bridge Island 1 exists in the game files and sound bloody awful, but it's pretty consistent with Senoue's independent work. Lopes and Soma only ended up working on the music that appears in the early portions of the game. I kinda wonder if they were supposed to do more, but the game was just kind of forced out the door for the holiday season. 

    What an anticlimax for one of the most disappointing soundtracks in the series' history. Some absolute bangers from Tee Lopes, Rintaro Soma and Takahiro Kai, but Jun Senoue really doesn't know what the fuck he's doing when creating supposedly Classic music anymore. And there's generally just very little cohesion and consistency across the entire soundtrack. It's as though all of the artists and the director were working to entirely different criteria.

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    Why does it sound awful? Why doesn't he know what the fuck he's doing? You make these claims but have yet to back them up.

    11 hours ago, Blue Blood said:

    A beta, Tee-less version Bridge Island 1 exists in the game files and sound bloody awful. Jun Senoue really doesn't know what the fuck he's doing when creating supposedly Classic music anymore.


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    3 hours ago, LocalHuman said:

    Why does it sound awful? Why doesn't he know what the fuck he's doing? You make these claims but have yet to back them up.

    lol what point do you even think you're making? 

    Saying something sounds awful is simply an opinion. You could think otherwise and you'd be perfectly entitled to that. You don't need to back it up. This is the beta track in question:

    That's a S4-ass rendition of Bridge Island and boy am I glad that Tee Lopes came along to save the day. 

    Regarding Senoue not knowing what the fuck he's doing, I'll give you the benefit of the don't that you've not heard any discussions pertaining to the music of Sonic 4, 3K Origins or Superstars. He uses faux Mega Drive synths and samples that sound vaguely like something you'd get in a Classic Sonic game, but don't actually match the style at all. For Origins 3K, he even wrote a brand new Super Sonic theme using the S4 instruments that completely clashes with the rest of the original soundtrack. What's particularly egregious in the case of Superstars is that the game doesn't have retro style visuals at all. All of the other musicians working on the soundtrack created energetic pieces using a range of instruments and complex melodies whilst Senoue did Sonic 4 Episode 3, compete with a overuse of the S1 snare and dying cats™.

    Senoue consistently fails when he's tasked with creating Classic Sonic soundtracks. He's been messaging up in this way since 2009 and hasn't changed. 

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    Now to wait for a CD release...

    ...Assuming they do one at all. My hopes aren't high considering that they just kinda dropped the album without saying anything.

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    21 hours ago, LocalHuman said:

    Why does it sound awful? Why doesn't he know what the fuck he's doing? You make these claims but have yet to back them up.


    This is quite possibly one of the most A.I bot like non-responses I’ve ever read. 

    18 hours ago, Blue Blood said:

    This is the beta track in question:

    My god. X_x

    I’ll give him props for the melody because I like the tune in Bridge Island. But Jesus Christ this is awful. 

    Thing is, I can’t even defend this for being “beta” considering a lot of his final tracks are on this level of quality.

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    6 hours ago, Sonicka said:

    This is quite possibly one of the most A.I bot like non-responses I’ve ever read. 

    My god. X_x

    I’ll give him props for the melody because I like the tune in Bridge Island. But Jesus Christ this is awful. 

    Thing is, I can’t even defend this for being “beta” considering a lot of his final tracks are on this level of quality.

    I'm an AI because I asked someone to elaborate. Cool.

    And you're using the lord's name in vein because you don't like a Senoue track that sounds really nice tbh.

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